Recreation Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:Recreation therapists might work in hospitals or other medical institutions, their community's parks and recreation department or specialized school programs. Duties To assess patient needs, recreational therapists consider medical records, personal observation and talks with the patient and his or her loved ones. 
Salary:The median annual Recreational Therapist salary is $53,659, as of March 29, 2018, with a range usually between $47,946-$59,590, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.
Education:Educational programs in recreation therapy, or therapeutic recreation, are available at both undergraduate and graduate degree levels. Two-year associate's programs provide students with basic information and some practical experience that can be applied to entry-level positions or relayed into further education.
Demand for this particular career:
  • good with kids
  • bilingual 
  • good with people

Reflection: i do not want to become this because i am not interested.


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