Pulmonary Medical Physician

Duties and Responsibilities:. Examines and diagnoses disorders and diseases of the lungs. ... Recommends and orders tests to determine the extent of illness or help diagnose the condition.
Salary: The median annual Physician - Pulmonary Medicine salary is $258,623, as of March 01, 2018, with a range usually between $224,842-$311,834, however, this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.
Education: Earning a four-year degree, preferably in pre-med, chemistry, or biology, takes you one step closer to becoming a pulmonary doctor. After scoring well on the medical school entrance exams, four years of medical school come next. A three-year internal medicine residency needs to be completed after graduation.
Demand for this particular career: 
  • good at reading charts
  • good with others 
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Reflection: I do not want to become this because it is not something I am interested in.


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